
Community of Lichtenau im Mühlkreis

Lichtenau im Mühlkreis, Oberösterreich, Österreich

Lichtenau im Mühlkreis near Haslach an der Mühl.

It can be quite wintry here in the small municipality of Lichtenau.

The Hochficht alpine ski area is around 25 km away.

The history of the municipality of Lichtenau im Mühlkreis relates to Lichtenau Castle. Sifrit the Hugenberger was the first known owner of the castle. He died in 1293 and was buried in Schlägl Abbey. The fortress was a fief of the Rosenbergs and passed through marriage to the Anhangers, the Jörgers and the Oedters. In the meantime it had become a fief of the Wallseer family and passed by marriage to the Herleinsperger family until the family died out in 1624. The castle passed again by marriage to the Schiffer family and in 1661 to the Counts of Sprinzenstein. In 1728 it passed by marriage to the Counts of Welsberg until it was bought by the linen merchant Georg Fölser of Haslach in 1831, and from the Fölsers it passed again by marriage to the owner family of the Vonwiller linen and cotton factory in Haslach. During the Russian occupation in 1945, the castle, its collections and interior furnishings were burnt down. The castle was partially rebuilt and is now privately owned.

  • 569Inhabitants

  • 9.92 km²Area

  • 700 m ASLElevation

  • 48.62, 14.03GPS coordinates

Westautobahn - Linz - B 127
About Munich - Landshut - A92 - Deggendorf - Passau A3 - Exit
North via Wegscheid
About Nuremberg - Regensburg A3 - Passau - Exit North via Wegscheid

Travelling by public transport
Route planner for independent travellers


Community of Lichtenau im Mühlkreis
St. Oswald bei Haslach 18
4170 Lichtenau im Mühlkreis

Phone +43 7289 71555
Fax machine +43 7289 71555 - 9

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