© Foto Ferienregion Böhmerwald/Andreas Mühlleitner: Wandern in Peilstein im Mühlviertel.
Im Vordergrund saftig grüne Wiesen, im Hintergrund eine Hügellandschaft mit grünen Wäldern.

BA0100099 - Digitisation offensive Eastern Bavaria-Upper Austria

Funding programme:
INTERREG V-A Programme Bavaria-Austria 2021-2027

Lead partner:
Tourismusverband Ostbayern e.V. (LP1)

Project partner:
Oberösterreich Tourismus GmbH (PP2), Tourismusverband Ferienregion Böhmerwald (PP6), Tourismusverband Donau Oberösterreich (PP3), Tourismusverband Entdeckerviertel (PP4), Tourismusverband S`INNVIERTEL (PP5), University of Passau (PP7).

01.09.2023 - 31.08.2026

The aim of the project BA0100099 - Digitalisation Offensive Eastern Bavaria-Upper Austria is to strengthen the digital skills and visibility of tourism service providers, increase bookability and the cross-border display of tourist experiences and sights in the Bavarian-Austrian border region.

In order to initiate a relevant ongoing digitalisation development, a total of 1,000 tourism service providers are to be sensitised, informed and motivated to create digital content (photos, texts) in individual coaching sessions between 2024 and 2026.

Another focus of the project is the development of a cross-border digitalisation strategy for the project area. To this end, so-called digitalisation checks of the tourism service providers in the project area will be carried out at the beginning and end of the project.


© Logo: BA0100099 – Digitalisierungsoffensive Ostbayern-Oberösterreich
Logo: Interreg-Projekt Digitalisierungsoffensive Ostbayern-Oberösterreich

This project is funded by the European Union under the INTERREG VI-A Programme Germany/Bavaria-Austria 2021-2027. This programme is one of 73 cross-border funding programmes within European Territorial Cooperation (INTERREG) and part of European cohesion policy. The funding priorities within these programmes are specifically tailored to the respective programme area in order to specifically promote cross-border cooperation and counteract the challenges encountered there.

In the 2021-2027 funding period, a total of around €8 billion is available from the Regional Development Fund (ERDF). Around € 61.5 million of this budget is allocated to the INTERREG Germany/Bavaria-Austria programme.

The cooperation programme sets out the content and organisational direction of the funding programme for the Bavaria-Austria programme area for 2021-2027. To this end, the bodies responsible for the programme worked closely together with the participation of numerous interested parties from civil society and the public sector.

The programme defines five key topics, known as priority axes (PA), with 7 specific objectives (SP), into which the projects must fit. Further information on the programme can be found at www.interreg-bayaut.net.