A hike with great views of the Bohemian Forest vacation area. 0 km You start the hike at the car park opposite the "Meraner Kutscherstadl" inn and leave the village in a westerly direction. Before the petrol station, turn into the settlement road "Eichenweg", which then turns into a field path. After a short section of forest, cross the ...
1.6 kmroadJulbach-Bräuerau and turn into the goods road, which branches off to the right here and then leads uphill. You will reach a chapel, where you continue to the left. You pass the Böhmerwald Golf Park (marvellous view of the Böhmerwald) on the edge. The path now leads through the forest and after ...
3.3 km you come to the Julbach-Bräuerau road. Turn left. Shortly afterwards, at the waiting hut, turn right towards Kleinsagberg. Cross the Kleine Mühl and then continue uphill to the right on the tarmac road until you reach the ...
4.0 km scattered settlement of Kleinsagberg. Always following the signs, you cross the forest, which then leads into a meadow path. On the right, you will see the Grenzlandmilchhof (4 farmers have joined forces to jointly manage their farms). However, turn left and head towards the forest. The path leads through a beautiful beech forest, which then takes you to the "Pomeissling" - an enchanting clearing - where the plant beds of the surrounding farms used to be. You cross this and enter an exemplary plenter forest: mixed forest with trees of all stages of development next to each other. By felling only individual trunks, more light is allowed to enter and thus natural regeneration is possible.
7.0 km You reach the Schiffler Chapel. In 1880, a chapel was built in place of the old Schiffler image, a Mother of God image, to which pilgrimages to this place of power had always been organised. Now walk for 15 minutes on a stretch of tarmac to ...
8.0 km Kohlstatt. Here you can enjoy a magnificent view of Bavaria and the Bohemian Forest. You have now completed half of the hike. The name Kohlstatt comes from Köhlerstätte, which means that charcoal was burnt in kilns here. Following the signs, you hike alternately on forest and meadow paths until you reach the ...
9.4 km Waldkaiser. There the path joins a small road with little traffic. After approx. 300 m, turn left and follow the path, which after a section of forest leads into a gravel farm track, which you follow to ...
11.3 km Hinterschiffl. Here you meet the Guckerweg (path no. 7). However, take the path left in the opposite direction to the Guckerweg. After a short tarmac section, you will see the Gucker station "Streusiedlung Heinrichsberg". Here the path joins the dirt track on the right. Continue along this path. You will reach the next peeper stations "Böhmerwaldblick" and "Julbachblick". The rest of the way you will be rewarded with marvellous views of Julbach, the Zwischenmühl ridge and the Bohemian Forest. Always downhill to the crossing of the ...
14.3 km of the Kleine Mühl river. Now uphill across the meadow to the ...
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