Pürnstein Castle in Neufelden in the Böhmerwald holiday region.
Since the end of the 10th century, Pürnstein Castle has towered above the valley of the Große Mühl. The Birchenstainers gave both the castle and the settlement their name. However, they were only one of many families who have been lords of the castle over the centuries. Pürnstein has a lot to tell.
... Be it about the times under the Starhembergs, when it was the most fortified castle far and wide in the country,
... or about the Peasants' Wars, during which Pürnstein was often at the centre of attention,
... about the high position it enjoyed while the imperial high court had its seat here,
... about the hardship, but also about the great festivals,
... Pürnstein has a lot to tell.
Damsel and knight have disappeared from Pürnstein. What you can find today are friendly people, many interesting impressions and real hospitality.
On request!
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