hey are home to numerous protected animals and plants. Of the more than 40 biotopes, 5 are freely accessible (Häuslin, Sausende Schlucht, Hofwiese, Hemmerau, Wäschbachl, Blumau), the "Häuslin" is also easily accessible for wheelchair users. At the beginning of the 1990s, some nature-conscious people from Peilstein started to create biotopes and soon beetles, frogs, toads and newts discovered these ponds as an excellent habitat. These wetland biotopes, with their now illustrious community of small creatures and interesting creatures, have thrived because they are embedded in an intact landscape. One such biotope is located in the "Häuslin", south of the village centre in a forest clearing. Newts and iridescent dragonflies feel particularly at home here. But plants also love this habitat, such as cotton grass and the iris, which blooms at the beginning of summer, the orchid and the carnivorous sundew. The Sausende Schlucht is a small natural paradise that owes its name to a legend. Numerous small natural waterfalls gush down into the valley. Especially in spring, when the snow melts and the Kirchbacher stream rushes down into the valley with a roar, it is a special nature experience. Six stations with display boards and interesting information about various birds invite you to linger and observe. A special attraction for children too: by pressing a button, the corresponding bird calls can be heard from a nesting box! Close to the village of Eschernhof, the highest elevation in the municipality, a rest area with stunning views has been created at the Hemmerau dry biotope. Your gaze can wander over Adalbert Stifter's Hochwald forest, the Bohemian Forest from Plöckenstein to the ruins of Wittinghausen. You can also admire numerous rare plants and animals in this dry biotope in Hemmerau. Contact address for guided tours: Mr Mühlbauer, Berginger Straße 3, 4153 Peilstein, Tel.: ++43 7287 7341.
Walkable all year round.
Please get in touch for more information.