Dreisesselbergstraße 18/1, 4160 Aigen-Schlägl
Phone+43 5 07263-200
The Schwarzenberg Canal - the Šumava Mountains make history
The deep forests of the Bohemian Forest hold a secret wonder of the world - the Schwarzenberg Canal.
For a long time he lived an existence in secret. Only in 1990, after the fall of the Iron Curtain, did he move into the focus of the new Europe, becoming accessible in its entirety to tourists and visitors. In the summer months, cultural events and well-attended Schauschwemmen take place along the canal:
Wednesday 30, 2025 | Schrollenbachschleuse/Oberhaag/Aigen-Schlägl
The site of the Schauschwemme can also be reached by bike along the Schwemmkanal cycle route! A further alluvial flood will take place in 2025 on Saturday, September 6th in Oberhaag/Iglbach.
4160 Aigen-Schlägl
Somewhat suitable for wheelchairs: Assistance is sometimes necessary. The measurements do not (fully) conform to the legally stipulated ÖNORM.
Dreisesselbergstraße 18/1, 4160 Aigen-Schlägl
Phone+43 5 07263-200