The train station is approx. 3 km outside the town center.
A shuttle bus (minibus) will take you to the center of Haslach and from the village center back to the train station.
Attention the bus does not drive to all trains - please note the timetable.
The bus company Schörgenhuber will take the shuttle bus, if you are arriving with a larger group, please reserve by phone at 07282/8333 or 0676/6067160.
If an extra bus is ordered, the feeder will be charged.
Not included in the train ticket.
From the station Haslach there is also a very nice hiking trail (3 km) to Hasalch.
You go from the station to the bridge, cross it and then turn left along the Große Mühl to Haslach.
Timetable information ÖBB: ÖBB Customer service: +43 5 1717Travel information OOEVV: OOEVV Customer center: +43 732 66 10 10 66
Please get in touch for more information.