The Easter holidays are of course also the perfect time to get away for a few days. Whether you enjoy a long weekend or a week-long holiday, whether you treat yourself to a time-out alone for inner reflection or a holiday with the whole family - you are sure to find the right Easter holiday in the Šumava holiday region.
In Christianity, Easter is the annual commemoration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, who, according to the New Testament, overcame death as the Son of God. In the Western churches, the Easter cycle has begun since 1091 with Ash Wednesday, followed by a 40-day period of Lent. Lent, also called the Easter penitential season, ends with the 40th day on Holy Saturday.
This last week before Easter Sunday, Holy Week, begins with Palm Sunday, when Christians celebrate Jesus' entry into Jerusalem. During Holy Week, it is customary in some congregations to carry out a spring cleaning so that the church shines in a new splendour for the Christians' highest festival.
On Maundy Thursday, Christianity celebrates Jesus' Last Supper with his disciples. On the following Good Friday, Jesus' death on the cross is commemorated, Holy Saturday is grave rest, and finally, on the third day, Easter Sunday, the raising of Jesus from the dead is celebrated.